The planning applications are presented to the Board of Commissioners for their determination and recommendations for approval or refusal, along with any conditions that are deemed appropriate to be imposed on the proposals, are forwarded to the Department. Due to the deadline for submission to the Department, and the fall of the Board meetings, it is not always possible for public comments to be included in the presentation, and therefore Members may not always be aware of individual concerns.
Onchan District Commissioners will consider the proposals in a planning application primarily against the Island Strategic Plan and the Eastern Area Plan. Both these documents specify planning policies to control development, such as land use zoning. Consideration is also given to representations made by consultees, (which may include other Government Departments, statutory bodies, interest groups and local authorities) along with any private representations from members of the public. The Board will measure all these matters against the merits of the proposal. Their findings and recommendations are then presented in a formal submission to the Planning Committee.
As an 'Interested party' to planning applications the Commissioners are afforded the right to appeal planning decisions which are special to the Isle of Man planning process. Appeals may be submitted against a decision of the Planning Committee within the timescale allowed.
Once a decision on a planning application has been made it will not become final until the period in which appeal may be lodged (21 days) has expired. Onchan District Commissioners have the same consultation period as the general public and must therefore make their submission within 21 days.